Do builders and owners of tiny houses know something you don't? The tiny house movement is one of the most exciting developments in residential housing, and it's catching on coast to coast.
Read MoreWith another Minnesota winter coming on - one that's predicted to be warmer yet wetter, have you checked out your gutters? Gutters are crucial for drainage and irrigation along with protection your home from exposure to rain, ice, and snow. Consequences of failing gutters can many times be drastic.
Read MoreWeather forecast for the Minneapolis area shows - surprise, surprise - rain turning to snow tomorrow. There is hardly a week that goes by here in the Midwest, which someone, somewhere does not report on the belief that El Niño is anticipated to bring a wet winter.
Read MoreIn the past few months the news has been full of reports of wild fires across the nation. While most of those fires have been far from the Minneapolis area, some homeowners in the Twin Cities have been concerned about the safety of their homes in case of fire.
Read MorePlanning a home remodeling project soon? As many Minnesota homeowners have discovered, any home improvement can become overwhelming.
Read MoreHaving trouble figuring out which siding product is the best for your home? As an exterior home remodeling company serving the Minneapolis and St. Paul area, we offer a variety of siding solutions for Minnesota homes. When it comes to choosing a home siding it can become a daunting process.
Read MoreIn today’s world we are surrounded by such a hectic society. Wherever you turn, there's probably a deadline you're facing. Like many people in our society, you may be running from one job estimate, kid’s activity or meeting to another.
Read MoreWhat's keeping you from getting the best roof possible for homes in Minnesota? If you have not tried a metal roof due to fear of it being unsightly, you might just need to look around your neighborhood and do a little research.
Read MoreIf you are like most Minnesota homeowners with asphalt shingle roofs that are tired of continual repairs and maintenance, then you must also be ready to find an alternative which is durable, excelling in performance and beauty.
Read MoreHas it been awhile since you have last checked to see how your gutters were working? It might be a good idea to check them before your home is pelted with the impending fall rains and the snows of another Minnesota winter. Working gutters are important to your home’s safety.
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