The winter months can be long, cold, and hard here in the Twin Cities. Of course, with that harsh weather you want to protect everyone living inside the home. The right siding plays a big part in that.
Read MoreWhen you live in an area like the Twin Cities that suffers severe cold in the winter. your home needs sufficient insulation as well as other exterior materials to protect it from what's going on outside.
Read MoreAny kind of improvement you make to your home, whether it's interior or exterior, is going to cost you something. But will it be an investment in your home or simply an expense?
Read MoreYou're probably used to hearing about energy efficiency in terms of things like replacement windows or even appliances, but did you know it's one of the factors you should evaluate when you're having the siding on your home replaced?
Read MoreNo matter what the season, there is always is some maintenance that needs to be done on your home. Milder weather is the best time tackle the outside. Early fall here here in the Twin Cities finds many for homeowners tackling exterior maintenance such as gutter clean-out and window washing.
Read MoreHere in the Minneapolis area we're fortunate to have all kinds of beautiful birds. But some of those birds can be more annoying that others. The woodpecker is a prime example. And it's because of more than just that incessant tap-tap-tap that can wake you at dawn. They can actually damage siding.
Read MoreWhen a house is built, everything that is put in or on it serves a specific function. Though many things about the house might not seem like make a contribution during the building process, they do when all of these aspects come together once the home is finished.
Read MoreNow that the snow has FINALLY melted away, homeowners all around the Minneapolis metro are getting outdoors to do yard work and exterior maintenance. And some are finding out that this past season was particularly hard on their homes.
Read MoreChoosing Steel Siding in Minnesota's Cold Climate Why are we talking about cold weather now that spring is almost here? Because it's the perfect time to evaluate how well your home has held up to this past Minnesota winter, which was exceptionally cold and snowy.
Read MoreThis past winter here in the Twin Cities has reinforced the notion that Minnesota has COLD weather. While it isn't always as snowy or as frigid as this year's winter, overall yes, we do have our share of cold weather.
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