Do you know what to look for when evaluating the condition of your windows?
While we looked into many of the problems that are found when inspecting windows in part 1 of this article, it is also important to notice any issues that could further be found with the windows. When it comes to having an inspection, it is important to note any and all of the issues. Some of the smaller ones noted can and will, eventually turn into larger issues in the near future.
More Common Window Defects FoundListed before was the first five defects found, but here are the other five that you should be aware of when it comes to the quality of your windows during an inspection.
- Windows do not open - This can be caused by a number of factors, but generally they are not the best windows to have in the home if they're not fully functional. You want to make sure that you replace any non-working, non-opening windows.
- Evidence of water inside the home - Moisture or water stains around the window can show that the windows are letting in more water than they should. This means they need to be replaced or resealed.
- Broken locks - This is not only a safety concern, but when the hardware is not working and the window is not fully closing then you may be letting in air and water. This means higher utility bills plus possible structural damage around the window.
- Missing handles - Unless the window is designed to work without a handle, missing hardware can make it a struggle to open a window. That's not only annoying, but in an emergency it could be downright dangerous.
- Lack of tempered glass - There are specific markings inside the window that show whether or not they should be tempered. When these marks are missing, this could mean the window glass could be unsafe.
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