When it comes down to home remodeling and replacement projects, many people wonder how they can save some cash here and there by laying out funds. One of those ways is through exterior changes.
People are often are surprised to know that they might just be able to grab a discount on their homeowners' insurance premiums when they switch out those asphalt shingles for a metal roof.
It is rewarding to hear about homeowners being able to cut their premiums in half because of safer, better materials that are installed on the exterior of their homes. We find that's the case for some who choose our metal roofing. One of the benefits of metal roofing is that it does not catch fire. This means that the home is safer overall, because of the change that was made.
We have had more than one client switch to metal roofing because they couldn't even get homeowner's insurance due to the type of roofing they had (cedar shakes in a heavily wooded area). They were delighted to the outcome of having that roof replaced with metal. (The St. Croix river bluff home is shown in the photo above.)They have not only increased the value of their home and made it look nice, but they are protecting it against house fires, or even damaging weather that would have otherwise ruined a roof without metal roofing on it. These are all perks that insurance companies look at.
Can a Savings on Homeowner's Insurance Happen for You?While every insurance company is different, and every area is different, as well, you may or may not experience the same discounts. The only way you can know for sure is to give your insurance agent a call and have them give you a rundown of ways you can save some cash on your homeowner’s insurance.
If you want to know more about having a metal roof installed in the Twin Cities, give us a call. We can help you choose the best (and safest) roofing materials that might just save you some cash on your homeowner’s policy. It is something that offers fantastic benefits for you and+ even the house when you make the switch.Subscribe to Quarve Contracting's Blog