When a house is built, everything that is put in or on it serves a specific function. Though many things about the house might not seem like make a contribution during the building process, they do when all of these aspects come together once the home is finished. Windows provide light and air flow through the home, which is obvious, but have you ever thought about why the home needs siding? Understanding the function of siding can help you choose the best siding material for your home here in the Minneapolis and St. Paul metro area.

Siding Basics
What Exactly Is Siding?
Siding is a protective outer layer that is placed on the outside of the home, over the underlying wall structure, insulation, house wrap, and other elements that are installed as the house is being constructed. Siding's purpose is to protect the inside of the home from a variety of things on the exterior. This includes weather but also flying debris and even human activity. (Think about the neighborhood kids with their baseballs or a rock being thrown against the house when someone is mowing.)
Siding can be made from many materials such as vinyl, metal, wood, or other options. Though technically not 'siding,' a home might also be finished with a masonry product such as brick or stucco that functions in place of siding strips or panels.
What Is the Purpose of Siding?
Siding comes with two purposes when it is installed. It not only protects the home from the outside elements (especially in Minnesota when the snow and wind can whip around with force), but it can also provide the home with a great look. Yes, you want a functional siding product, but you also want your home to have a terrific appearance. And you don't need to sacrifice one for the other. We can recommend a siding product that will do both, and do them well.
Why Does Your Home Need Siding?
Your home needs siding (or a similar protective coating) because it needs a layer separating the interior of your home from the outside world. Here in Minnesota we can get harsh conditions that can make a home uncomfortable inside or even damage its structure. When it rains, hails, sleets, snows or does anything at all outside, with the right siding indoors you remain safe from what is happening on the outside. The wood and other elements the home that it was built with are structural and functional, but it isn't their job to provide protection in the way that siding does.
Finally, the siding is what gives your home its finished look and distinctive appearance. Can you imagine if your builder had stopped with the house wrap and never finished it off? Your home would look like the top half of the house in the picture above!
You get so many benefits that come with siding, such as an increase in curb appeal, as well as better protection against the elements. Siding can make a home more energy-efficient, which means it's better for the environment.
There is a lot that goes into the siding of the home, especially choosing the right siding material for it. Understanding the basics of siding's purpose can help you make a wise decision on what to choose for your home.
Protect your home and those who live in it with siding isntalled on your home. We are a licensed Minnesota siding contractor and we can recommend the best product for your home. We offer a variety of materials - including our own exceptional seamless steel. Why not contact us today to discuss what might work for your home? We install siding and other energy-efficient exterior home improvement products in the greater Twin Cities metro area, including surrounding communities in Minnesota as well as western Wisconsin.
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