If you are dealing with commercial roofing, then you know that just like a homeowner, issues with a roof can come about every now and again. Or maybe you haven't dealt with needing a roof repair yet. If you’re wondering what issues you have to keep your eye out for, then keep these in mind. All of these roofing issues are common to find on commercial roofs in the Minneapolis area. When you catch them sooner, rather than later, you are better able to have them fixed so nothing worse happens to your building.
- Lack of maintenance on the roof – this is the most common problem that is encountered on a commercial roof
- Poor installation of the roof itself
- Blown off materials from the roof due to the weather
- Damaged flashing and pitch pans that are on the roof
- Punctures in the materials of the roof
- Standing water that does more damage, or water that causes ice dams to form
- Improper roofing materials that are placed on the roof
- Shrinkage of the roof or the materials on the roof (this is mainly for membrane-type or sheet style commercial roofing)
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