As one of the leading roofing contractors in the Minneapolis and St. Paul metro area, we pride ourselves on staying current with the trends and best practices of our industry. That means attending training sponsored by our manufacturers as well as industry events. Recently Pat and Julie Quarve joined about 100 of the leading
residential metal roofing companies in the U.S. for the 2017 Metal Roofing Summit in Piqua, Ohio.
The attendees at this conference are some of the best metal roofing contractors from across the country. Getting a chance to network with the 'best of the best' was just part of this conference.
The sponsor - Isaiah Industries - manufactures
Kassel & Irons steel roofing, one of our favorite products to install. We've developed a great working relationship with this company and its president, Todd Miller. (You can listen to Todd share a little about their company and their roofing materials in this video.) 
Shown here are Pat and Julie with Todd, standing by the roof mock-up used for installation training. All of our steel roofing crew members have been certified by Isaiah Industries through this setup. This training platform is located in their manufacturing plant, but we actually had them put one in our shop so our employees could get trained close to home rather than having to travel.
We'd love to talk with you about what a metal roof could do for your home. Metal roofing is quickly becoming one of the top choices among builders and architects, and we've installed hundreds of steel and other metal roofs across the Twin Cities. Why not call us today to talk about putting one on your home?
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