When people are shopping for a Minnesota siding installation contractor, a common recommendation is to check their references, perhaps talk to homeowners who hired them to install siding on their homes. We specialize in
the installation of seamless steel siding (although we do make other siding materials available if that's what you prefer). We highly recommend that you do so. You can check our references, read some of our reviews and testimonials, or take it one step further: actually go out and look at some of the steel siding installations we've done for people around the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro. (Projects range from as far north as Brook Park south to New Prague. As you can see, we cover a wide area.)

Plus we've made it really easy for you, and you don't even have to request a list from us. Just
use this link from Google Maps or click on the map image shown here. Each of those blue flags represents a metal siding project, and if you click on the flag you'll get the property address, the type of siding installed, and the color. That way you can find homes close to yours, or if you're interested in seeing how a particular color looks, you can scroll through to find those as well. (The box below is a sample of the kind of information you'll get from clicking on a particular blue flag.)
We think that our seamless steel siding is a beautiful yet durable protective project for Minnesota homes, and we believe there is nothing better on the market if you're searching for siding that is a wise investment and that will last for decades. Pat Quarve installed his first steel siding nearly 40 years ago, and that Minneapolis home is still protected with siding that looks just about the way it did when he installed it.
So take a drive next time the weather is nice and see just how beautiful our seamless steel siding can be. And then give us a call for a free in-home consultation. If you see a particular color or type of siding you like when you're out driving, make a note of the address. We would be happy to meet with you to discuss how steel siding could work for your home!
Metal Roofing & Siding of Minnesota is a division of Quarve Contracting, Inc., a licensed Minnesota home improvement contractor specializing in exterior remodeling solutions.
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